Fast Guard

Hire Fire Watch Guard Services in utah

Fire watch services in in utah keep vulnerable property, equipment, and people safe from dangerous fire hazards. Typically, fire watch guards are deployed in an area where hot work is taking place, where a fire alarm or sprinkler system is malfunctioning or down, or in the wake of a natural disaster that caused a power outage. They act as an extra safety measure to keep valuable capital, infrastructure, and any people on the premise out of harm’s way due to an unforeseen fire.

While only a temporary solution during the interim that fire systems are not working properly, fire watch guards are extremely important because at these times, property is at extremely high-risk for ignition. Whether the risk is the type of work being performed or the lack of other safety measures, a fire watch company can serve as peace of mind that the things that are most important will be out of harm’s way.

Fires do not discriminate. Tragic fire accidents can cause complete losses of warehouses, businesses, factories, apartment buildings, or hotels. Choosing the right fireguard company is an important component of proactive crisis management for any commercial structure. Fast Guard Service Fire Watch Guards provides reliable, expert-level fire watch guards to ensure fire won’t damage or destroy any property.

24/7 Fire Watch Surveillance

Hot Work Safety Compliance

Retail Fire Watch Services

Event Fire Safety Services

Fire Watch for Hot Work

Hot work includes construction processes such as welding, soldering, brazing, riveting, or flame cutting. The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration outlines the official safety requirements for these kinds of hot work, which include fire watch guards in some cases. At Fast Guard Service, LLC, all our fire watch guards are fully OSHA-certified to ensure that you get the credible and reliable fire watch services your business or property needs.

  • As stated by OSHA’s general requirements for welding, cutting, and brazing, fire watchers are required in locations where there is welding or cutting and any of the following circumstances are present
  • A minor fire may develop
    Combustible material is within 35 ft. of work performance
  • Openings within that 35-ft radius expose nearby combustible material Combustible materials located on opposite side of metal separators such as partitions, walls, or ceilings could likely ignite by result of radiation or conduction


Usually, before a hot work permit is issued, an outline of fire watch needs is provided in the contract. The area must be inspected for common fire culprits such as dirty rags, trash, fuel sources, and any flammable liquids.

When you call Fast Guard Service, we will dispatch an OSHA-certified guard to provide hot work guarding services. The fire watch guard will monitor all exposed areas for possible fire. They will know how to sound alarms immediately if fire is detected. Their only duty is monitoring for fire, so as to ensure full focus on maintaining safety. Their full surveillance continues on for 30 minutes after hot work is completed, to allow all equipment and materials to cool down completely.

Fire Watch During Malfunctioning or Down Fire Detection Systems

It’s crucial to maintain a constant fire detection system. Ideally, this means properly working sprinkler systems, fire and smoke detectors, fire extinguishing systems, and water supplies. Sometimes, one or all these aspects of the system may be malfunctioning, compromised or altogether not working. To provide the necessary fire guard services during these system-down times, Fast Guard Services has the professional and fully certified guards you need.

At times, impairments may be planned maintenance periods that must regularly occur. Examples of scheduled impairments include building renovations or system updates. Unplanned impairments can also occur due to damage, outdated infrastructure, electrical faultiness, or a leak. Depending on what the issue is and what caused it, it may be a lengthy repair time, creating an interim of impairment that puts the entire location at risk. During these vulnerable periods of time, there are lives, equipment, and property at stake that must be protected from any threat of fire or explosion.

While the proper maintenance repairs are made to the fire detection system, a human detection system is the next best thing to keep everyone and everything on site safe. Since they are inevitable events whether planned or unplanned, it’s a good idea to have a chosen company for fire watch guards on hand so that backup is just one call away. A Fast Guard Service fire watch guard can act as that physical fire detection system, thoroughly maintaining safe conditions and ensuring the entire area is not under immediate threat.

One fire guard can make the difference between a catastrophe and a minor accident. Keeping them around the clock during the period of impairment is the best defense against potentially disastrous incidents. As soon as a faulty fire detection system is noticed, Fast Guard Service is able to immediately dispatch licensed fire watch guards to the scene. Fast Guard Service’s fire watch guards will also remain on location until the full functions of the fire detection system are operational and the entire system has been inspected and certified by the Fire Marshall.

The Duties of a Fire Watch Guard

Our fire watch services will meet the needs of each job while following a set of protocols and tasks that are applicable to all situations. Once local personnel familiarize our guards with the layout of the area, they will conduct regular rounds of the entire location.

Depending on the needs of the location, rounds can be performed every 15 minutes or every hour. Rounds include checking all emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and high-risk ignition areas. Guards arrive equipped with all the materials needed for an efficient and safe notification and evacuation in case of fire. They will have keys that access the full building and all materials used to record information on each round.

Guards will report on start and end times of each round, any problem areas they noticed, and any communications with the Department of Public Safety or local fire departments.

To ensure the full safety of your property, call Fast Guard Service, LLC. We’ll make sure that your person and property are protected from any fire risks. Our fully-certified and friendly guards will ensure that you are in good hands.

Don’t Take the Risk—Keep Your Business & Event Protected

Whatever your need, whatever type of property you possess or manage, and whatever type of fire watch service you need, Fast Guard can help.

Contact Fast Guard Service Florida today for a consultation and free quote. Our security guard services are effective, affordable and comprehensive. Don’t wait until it’s too late, contact Fast Guard Service in utah today and have all your armed and unarmed security needs handled quickly and effectively.

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Fast Guard Service exceeded my expectations with their prompt and professional security solutions.
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Impressed by the vigilant and courteous security personnel provided by Fast Guard Service.
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Exceptional service! Fast Guard Service ensured our event's safety seamlessly.
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Reliable and efficient, Fast Guard Service is our top choice for comprehensive security.
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Fast Guard Service delivers on their promise of swift and effective security measures.
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Choosing Fast Guard Service was a wise decision for our business; their commitment to safety is unmatched.