Pedro Bravo was found dead this week while serving a life sentence for murdering Christian Aguilar from the University of Florida due to jealousy for him dating Bravo’s former flame – something which had come up several times while trying to gain his new trial proceedings. According to reports, afasennine was charged with plotting lies as part of their new trial strategy before their executioner, Pedro Bravo. He had been serving out his time for what the authorities suspect to have been inspired by jealousy of Aguilar dating one of Bravo’s ex-partners relationship and killed him out of jealously over him dating Aguilar an ex-partner dating whom Bravo felt threatened the former flame’s relationship.
The crime was committed on September 22 in north central Florida by three graduates of Doral Academy: Bravo, Aguilar, and an individual whom Bravo became obsessed with at that time (she attended too but did not join). While at trial – where evidence pointed strongly against his guilt – Bravo maintained his innocence throughout.
Bravo’s attempts at manipulating others into lying for him in order to secure a new trial came shortly before his death; unfortunately, details surrounding its aftermath remain obscured. His manipulations came crashing to an abrupt halt with his passing, concluding the chapter on an eventful case that left an indelible mark both on those directly affected and within their communities.

Christian Aguilar’s family still mourns his tragic death while Bravo has found relief through legal recourse, yet his actions of seeking a new trial has raised further doubt about its integrity and fairness. Contact us for COMMERCIAL SECURITY SERVICES Today!