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Keeping Your Home Safe & Secure During The Holidays

The holidays are the time for families to get together and enjoy one another’s company. This time should be filled with excitement and joy. Unfortunately, it can also be a time when your home is vulnerable to potential threats. You may be traveling during the holiday period, so it’s essential to take extra steps to keep your home safe and secure. 

With a bit of care, you can make sure your home is properly secured during this holiday season, and you can focus on enjoying time with your family and friends. In this article, we’ll outline some of the best steps you can take to keep your home secure. Let’s jump in and take a look at the steps you need to take:

Have CCTV Installed

Whether you’re going to be in your home or not over the holiday period, it’s worth considering having CCTV installed at your property. If you’re going to be traveling or away from you’re home, then having CCTV installed will give you peace of mind; any intruders or thieves will be caught on camera should anyone try and enter your home. You can also sync your CCTV with an alarm system and have a security company notified should an alarm go off, or even call for a full on home monitoring service. This provides an extra level of security for your home.  

Keep Your Travel Plans Offline

Keeping your travel plans private and offline minimizes the chance of your plans falling into the wrong hands. Posting your travel plans on any social media network leaves the information open to potential thieves. It’s better to keep your plans offline and inform friends and family who you trust. 

Inform A Friend Or Neighbour

If your home is going to be vacant throughout the holiday period, then consider letting a friend or neighbor know of your plans. In this case, the friend or neighbor can make sure to keep an eye on your house while you’re away. You could even consider having a friend or neighbor housesit for you if you’re going to be away from your home for an extended period of time over the holidays.

Make Sure Everything Is Locked

It’s an obvious thing to say, but you need to make sure everything in your home is locked up. This includes any windows that you may typically leave open. Taking extra precautions and fitting additional locks while you’re away is also something to consider.

Make Sure No Gifts Are Visible From The Outside

You don’t want any Christmas gifts to be visible from outside your home. A potential burglar may begin to size up your home if they see gifts visible in any windows or doorways. Try to keep your Christmas tree and gifts away from windows and doorways or any other location that is visible from outside your home. 

You also want to make sure any deliveries are taken care of before you leave for the holiday season. By taking responsibility and following these precautions, you should be well on your way to keeping your home safe and secure this holiday season.