Garde rapide

Is Your Store Security Ready For The 2019 Holiday Season?

Holiday preparation is well underway, with decorations, sales incentives, and offers planned and already being put into action. But what about store security? It may well be the season of goodwill for most, but for the criminal element of society, the increase in footfall means one thing—an easier chance of making off with ill-gotten gains.

The following are essential considerations to ensure that the influx of crowds only brings the required increase in turnover, not a rise in theft or other antisocial behaviors that eat into those crucial profits.

  • Check, and if necessary, overhaul your surveillance system: With technology forging forward at breakneck speed it’s likely that, unless it’s just been installed, there are improvements to be made. From the best quality HD cameras to integrated access controls and alarms, utilizing the very latest surveillance is a crucial aspect of your store security armor.
  • Reconsider store layout: The configuration of merchandise within a retail space is an art—one designed to increase the browsing and buying experience. However, this shouldn’t be the only aspect as blind spots are quickly noticed by those who intend to steal or cause a security breach. Consider a makeover that both enhances sales and ensures that no area of the store provides a hidden location where misdemeanors could take place.
  • Employee refresher training: Your staff are your biggest assets—and that includes being eyes on the ground for potential theft or criminal behavior. Now, before the holiday rush begins in earnest, is a great time to carry out reminders and updates, hammering home important aspects as to how to spot shoplifters and procedures to be followed if they do.
  • Consider additional security: In the form of security guards. While this might not be a year-round necessity, when the crowds begin pouring through the doors during the festive season this can be a crucial strategy to prevent shoplifting loss. In addition, during sales events, such as Black Friday and New Year Sales that attract a large number of people all eager to get their hands on the bargains, the presence of uniformed guards is an effective deterrent.

This time of year is an excellent time to benefit from a professional security risk assessment from a leading security company, such as Fast Guard Service. Not only will they assess store security for the busy season, but also provide expert advice on how to best ensure that your store doesn’t fall victim to shoplifters, theft, or criminal damage throughout the whole year. 

Fast Guard offers a complete range of retail security services, from the provision of a single guard or remote surveillance camera operations through to multiple sites covering stores and properties of all sizes. 

Checking your store security now, before the holiday season gets into full swing, carrying out necessary updates and making provision for additional security, is essential. The increase in retail thefts during this time of year doesn’t have to be inevitable. Any outlay for increased security will be returned many times by the reduction in loss, thanks to a little forethought and pre-planning.