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How To Protect Your House While Traveling | Across America, US Patch

How To Protect Your House While TravelingGoing on summer vacation is a great way to spend quality time with loved ones and catch up on some much-needed R&R. That being said, it’s hard to relax and unwind while you’re away if you’re worried about the home you left behind.

Fortunately, a few simple steps go a long way toward deterring would-be burglars. And for the ultimate peace of mind, you can always install a home security system. Thanks to companies like SimpliSafe, protecting your home no longer requires a lengthy contract or intrusive wired installation. Here’s how else to keep your home safe while you’re away:

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Have someone you trust watch your house

If you’re going away for an extended period of time, hiring a trusted friend or family member as a house sitter is your best bet. Potential burglars are much less likely to enter an occupied home than an empty one.

A house sitter can also bring in the mail, handle any package deliveries, water your plants and take care of your pets while you’re away. With SimpliSafe, you can create a temporary PIN for your sitter or give her an extra key fob so you can keep your personal PIN secret.

If you can’t hire a house sitter, make sure to tell a trusted neighbor that you’ll be away. They can at least keep an eye on your home and contact you if anything goes wrong.

Trick burglars into thinking you’re home

Nothing says, “No one’s home!” quite like a stoop full of packages or an overflowing mailbox. If you don’t have a house sitter, fill out a request online for USPS to hold your mail for the dates you’re away. You can also request a vacation hold from FedEx and UPS, or try to curb your Amazon addiction until you return from your trip

If you don’t hire a house sitter, consider putting lights on a timer to give the illusion that someone is home. If a potential intruder thinks you’re reading upstairs but the neighbor’s house is dark, they’re less likely to attempt a break-in at your house

Observant burglars will still be able to figure out that you’re gone, so let them burglars know you’re protected with 24/7 police dispatch by displaying your home security system’s yard sign outside. We recommend placing one in the front yard and close to any side or back entrances of your house.

Make sure your home security system is up-to-date

It’s probably fine if your luggage is past its prime, but you don’t want a home security system that’s out of date when you leave for vacation. Make sure you’re taking advantage of all the latest technology to keep intruders out.

With SimpliSafe, for example, a back-up battery that kicks in and protects you for a full 24 hours in the event of a power-outage. With six monitoring systems to protect your home at all times, there’s no single point of failure, so you and the police will always be notified if an alarm goes off.

If your old security system depends on a phone line, a fallen branch or a burglar with wire cutters can leave you unprotected. SimpliSafe has a built-in cellular connection on the strongest networks and Wi-Fi, so your home is always secure. Your signals are encrypted (sorry, hackers), and SimpliSafe will send an alarm signal until the monitoring system confirms they got it.

Check your faucets and appliances

Flood damage is the most common home insurance claim. Make sure all faucets, showers and hoses are turned off before you head out the door. In the event that something leaks, place a flood sensor near major plumbing and in the attic in case of a leaky roof. SimpliSafe can send text or email notifications so you can arrange for a friend or plumber to fix leaks instead of coming home to mold infestations, ruined carpets, warped wood floors, damaged cabinetry and more.

It’s also important to unplug electronic devices like coffee makers, toaster ovens, computers and televisions before skipping town. Not only will this save electricity, but it also protects your electronics from any unexpected power outages or potentially harmful surges. If your smoke detectors are part of a smart home security system, you and your local firefighters can both be called once an alarm is set off.

Discover Which SimpliSafe Home Security System Is Best For You

Ready to protect your house with SimpliSafe? Here’s what you need to know:

Find the system that suits your lifestyle: Whether you want security for a studio apartment or a sprawling house, there’s a SimpliSafe system to fit your home — and your budget.

Get round-the-clock protection: If a sensor detects a break-in, SimpliSafe immediately alerts its 24/7 monitoring center. A security specialist will call you and unless you cancel the alarm, SimpliSafe will immediately dispatch the police.

Never wonder if you’ve left a window open: SimpliSafe will let you know if you have, and can even tell you which window (or door) is ajar.

Control your system on the go: You can arm or disarm your SimpliSafe system from anywhere using a phone, tablet or computer. With SimpliCam, you can watch over your home in HD from anywhere in live time. Get real-time alerts on activity at your home via SMS or text message.

Your pets can roam free: SimpliSafe has motion sensors that detect the unique signature of humans — not pets, so your dog or cat won’t trigger the alarm (but a real intruder certainly will).

Photo: Shutterstock

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On – 12 Jun, 2018 By SimpliSafe