Investigators are conducting an investigation into what caused a fire at Tennis Club Apartments in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday evening, forcing residents to evacuate. At 7:20 p.m. flames and smoke were visible for blocks around, spreading to one building’s fourth-floor corner before burning it out completely.
One resident on the fourth-floor called 911 to report the fire, reporting how flames had come close to his apartment building and quickly left as soon as he could grab his passport and escape, warning his neighbors along the way and knocking on doors to help those fleeing as the blaze spread.
The 911 dispatcher verified that multiple units were responding, inquired about injuries and asked if residents who evacuated assisted one another to safely escape the building. One resident noted how neighbors worked together to get away safely from the building.

As of this writing, no injuries have been reported by authorities and investigators are working on pinpointing its origin. Meanwhile, this incident is a stark reminder of the importance of swift action and cooperation during emergencies. Contact us for fire watch services today