Garde rapide

Deep freeze leaves hundreds of homes without power

Disruptions upended daily routines and holiday plans for millions of Americans during one of the year’s busiest travel periods.

More than 2,700 U.S. flights were canceled on Saturday, with total delays tallying more than 6,400, according to flight-tracking service FlightAware. More than 5,000 flights were canceled on Friday, FlightAware said.

Deep Freeze leaves U.S Homes Without Power

An arctic blast that gripped much of the United States on Saturday left more than 700,000 without power, at least 16 dead from weather-related car crashes, and thousands stranded due to flight cancellations.

Even the usually milder southern states of Florida and Georgia are experiencing hard-freeze warnings.

The only region that has largely been spared the cold weather is California where continental mountain ranges are helping to protect the Golden State.

In Canada, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec were bearing the brunt of the Arctic blast.

Much of the rest of the country, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, was under extreme cold and winter storm warnings.

A number of the storm-related fatalities have involved road traffic accidents, including a 50-car pile-up in Ohio that killed four motorists. Another four died in separate crashes in the state.

Travel problems across the country were being exacerbated by a shortage of snowplow operators, with low pay rates being blamed.

The NWS says more than 100 daily cold temperature records could be tied or broken over the next few days.

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Hire Fast Guard Service during the Deep Freeze

Fast Guard Service will be serving the nation with quality security guards during this terrible weather. For fast guards, call us 24/7 at 1-844-254-8273