Garde rapide

As Music World Mourns Manchester, DHS Vows To Step Up Event Security

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As the music world mourned the deaths of fans after Monday’s terrorist attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, the Department of Homeland Security on Monday said that security at American events is likely to be bolstered.

A DHS statement said that American officials are working with British officials to learn more about the attack, which killed more than 20 people and left more than 50 injured.

“At this time, we have no information to indicate a specific credible threat involving music venues in the United States. However, the public may experience increased security in and around public places and events as officials take additional precautions,” the DHS statement said.

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As officials probed the blast, the music world poured out its sympathy for those who came to Manchester expecting happiness and found death and destruction instead.

Grande issued a stark, emotional response via Twitter.

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“broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words,” she tweeted.

Others expressed sadness and anger.

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Grande said that she will be putting her tour on hold in the wake of the attack.

Grande’s aides issued a statement that said, “words can not express our sorrow for the victims and families harmed in this senseless attack.”

“We mourn the lives of children and loved ones taken by this cowardly act,” said the statement, posted by Grande’s manager Scooter Braun. “We ask all of you to hold the victims, their families, and all those affected in your hearts and prayers.”

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On – 23 May, 2017 By Jack Davis