The anti-gun game is strong in Hollywood right now with every liberal entertainer pushing for control for us commoners, while not practicing what they preach. It’s a lot easier for theses entitled celebrities to denounce Constitutional rights from their pretentious perch than it is to actually live by their own rules.
They feel really involved in bettering America by wearing orange American flag pins at the 2018 Academy Awards to promote gun control but certainly didn’t call attention to the fact that there were over 500 armed police officers along with hundreds of armed private bodyguards surrounding them so they could feel safe while making this statement.
This all comes as Gucci announced earlier this week that it would join Anti Second Amendment celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, George and Amal Clooney, Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw in contributing $500,000 to support the “March for Our Lives” anti-gun violence rally to be held in Washington, D.C. on March 24.
This has to be the most blatant show of hypocrisy ever shown by celebrities, and they have shown a lot in the past few decades. They make millions of dollars in an industry which promotes every sort of violence you can think of but they think that this will stop by wearing a pin while they spew their anti-gun rhetoric against law-abiding citizens like you and me.
What do they care, after all, they have enough money to pay for the kind of security any red-blooded American would want for their family but can’t afford while they live in upscale gated communities where they can leave their doors and windows open 24/7 without ever having an issue.
In fact, the biggest problem they might have with intruders is a deer once in a while. But for us, peons who have to live without a wall or private security, along with people from third world nations which we aren’t even allowed to question their moral character, can’t have any gun more powerful than a musket according to their looney liberal left views.
I can’t seem to recall any celebrity wearing a pin in honor of Kate Steinle, do you?
Who thinks these classless actors would be singing a different toon if they had to live like the rest of us?
Because so many cops are needed at the Oscars this year, many officers will be on overtime, and the Academy will have to pay for it. No free rides here.
Variety Magazine reported:
“More than 500 officers will be on hand, many of them working overtime, to ensure the safety of the 90th Academy Awards, along with firefighters, police helicopters and agents from the FBI. Private security guards from Security Industry Specialists will work the inside of the theater.
The city of L.A. bills the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for security, street closures, and other expenses related to the event. This year, the cost is $340,000, up from $300,000 for the last several years.”
Via Joe for America:
We love celebrating the snipers at every NFL game. With the Oscars on tonight, the left is desperate to keep you from seeing all the armed guards protecting their anti-gun actors.
If you didn’t realize the Oscars were on tonight, then congratulations: You have a healthy relationship with Hollywood celebrities. But one press release from the LAPD is worth browsing before your Facebook feed is updated tomorrow with tales of brave actors crying about the Second Amendment.
As traffic in one of the most congested cities in the world is diverted so millionaires can gather in Hollywood to seek praise from one another, there will be “concentric rings of security” keeping an eye on the nearly one mile of Hollywood Boulevard. Officers will be receiving overtime pay and are joined by firefights and the FBI with police helicopters dotting the air. Oh, and there’s a private security detail on full alert in the Dolby Theater itself.
The Oscars celebrate their 90th anniversary tonight. And with so many on the left looking to squeeze anti-freedom legislation from the deaths of 17 people from a high school in Parkland, Florida, the hunt is on for which actors will have the gall to rail against guns while being protected by hundreds of them.
Guns for Me, Not for Thee
Recently I wrote up Kim Kardashian, whose claim to fame is whoring herself out on a sex tape for attention. A few years back she was robbed at gunpoint and later declared that she would have a 24 hour a day armed guard. I don’t blame her. Despite being famous for debauchery, she still deserves to be safe.
The lefties that rip on gun rights probably feel comfortable in calling for gun control legislation, because they must assume that their bodyguards will be one of the few people who will be allowed to keep guns when it’s all over. Hunters and sportsmen can lose their guns because they don’t need then, not in the same way that celebrities in Hollywood need to be kept safe!
Every once in a while, a news story pops up showing off pictures of the bird’s eye view of the trained snipers keeping on eye on the crowds at NFL games. Conservatives love reading about the sharpshooters, and the Oregon-based company U.S. Tactical Supply that supplies the tripods loves updating their social media with photos.
We think it’s great that it’s well-known that NFL games have a eagle-eyed sniper up high making sure any serious troublemaker won’t get too far. Security at left-wing awards ceremonies, on the other hand, are shunted off to the side.
Do they really expect us to ignore the fact that group of highly trained men with firearms waiting in the wings in case something goes very wrong? Still it’s a good bet to guess that at least one of these chumps will get it into their airhead to pretend to care about the families of the victims of gun violence while dumping on the Second Amendment.
Even The Pretty Dresses Are Ruined
I admit that I’ll watch awards shows just to see the pretty dresses, but even that’s been ruined. At the Golden Globes a few months ago, celebrities decided to wear black dresses to protest Harvey Weinstein, or something. Yeah, and today I put my pajamas back on after showering to protest the fact that I didn’t get a pony when I was a little girl.
The clothing-as-politics came to a head last year at the Grammys when Joy Villa wore a MAGA-themed dress and was later found out to be a liar, a former dominatrix and a current Scientologist who was passing Scientology books to White House VIPs including Kellyanne Conway. Rose McGowan took us for a ride in her breakdown of the black dress protest as it happened in real time.
Makes me long for the days when the most shocking awards show dresses including J-Lo’s plunging green neckline and the Bjork swan.
Let’s be real: The Oscars is actors giving awards to other actors for acting. It’s meaningless, and probably the source of the modern Participation Award handed down to every little girl and boy.
Unless it’s the rare actor that takes the stage to simply thank their family, their colleagues and God, there is a guarantee that anyone beyond will be politically motivated.
Considering the Botox Parade has poured praise over Harvey Weinstein in the past — Meryl Streep called him “God” — I’ll be tickled to see which talking bobblehead will call out a culture of sexism.
And when the ceremony is all over, it’s time for the actors to head to the next place. They’ll all go out to their very well-guarded parties to pal around with other anti-gun lefties, before bundled their drunk butts back into their limos. They’ll be driven to an armed home by an armed bodyguard, only to get up the next day and be superior all over again.

On – 23 Mar, 2018 By Pitter Smith