Garde rapide

The Best Security Options For Large Events

Security at large scale events isn’t solely about preventing terror attacks such as those seen around the world over recent years. While this is, of course, of the highest priority, many other aspects need to be considered and risk assessed to ensure that the security provisions in place for a large event are of the required standard.

Choosing an Event Security Provider

  •     Selecting a suitable provider

Selecting a suitable provider 

When it comes to large scale event security there’s no doubt that this has to be provided by an expert professional source. Many companies offer security services, but when it comes to large scale events it’s imperative that the chosen provider has extensive experience in risk assessment, risk mitigation, and that of working with organizers, law enforcement agencies, and emergency services to ensure robust contingency plans are in place.

Prior Planning

  •     Risk assessment
  •     Venue security profile
  •     Contingency plans

Risk assessment

Any location playing host to a large number of people presents many unique security challenges. A comprehensive risk assessment must identify all of these and implement measures to mitigate against all possible occurrences.

Many aspects determine the level and type of risks to be accounted for. For example, high profile events might have an increased attraction for protesters or agitators. The attendance of celebrities or controversial figures presents further security challenges, as does that of an event focusing on a subject that evokes strong reactions, such as climate change, 

Venue security profile

Most locations suitable for large events have various physical security barriers. These might be of a permanent or temporary nature, but each presents access and egress issues. While this allows for the relative ease of controlling who enters the venue, it also presents a very real challenge of evacuation should it become necessary. 

This doesn’t only occur should an incident occur—egress for the attendees is also a factor post-event. Organizers and security services must work together to determine the most effective solution for people to leave, therefore preventing snarl-ups at exit points and the corresponding rise in risk for an incident to occur.

Contingency plans

Professional large-scale event security providers take into account the many factors that could give rise to a security incident. Such professional security consultant expertise allows for an effective “risk register” to be compiled, from which necessary contingency plans are then put in place.

Such plans might include that of hostile vehicle mitigation, active shooter incidents, bombs, and other worst-case scenarios. These elements of a large scale event security should go hand-in-hand with the provision of the more usual considerations, such as crowd control, first aid/medical provisions, control and search, traffic management, and more.

High profile attacks over recent years have led to an increase in the provision of risk mitigation at large events. Event organizers have a duty of care to ensure that all attendees and staff benefit from a safe environment. Security considerations should take into account not only the venue itself but that of the surrounding area. 

Contact Fast Guard Service for the Ultimate in Large Event Security 

For corporate and large scale events it’s essential that security is handled by an expert source. Fast Guard Service offers globally renowned security solutions, with intricate attention to detail undertaken from the first vital risk assessment through to the specifics and smooth running of the event itself.

With security expertise that specializes in events of all sizes, from small, high profile gatherings through to the largest of multi-venue affairs, Fast Guard’s security consultants work with event organizers to determine the necessary measures for every unique location. 

Find out more at Fast Guard Security Service and ensure that your event benefits from the stringent security efforts necessary for a safe and successful experience for everyone involved.