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LAPD Addresses Oscars Security: ‘One of the Most Secure Events’ | Complex

The Oscars is one of the events that makes Los Angeles even more of a high-profile extravaganza. Not only will nearly a mile of Hollywood Boulevard be shut down, naturally the red carpet event will have top security coverage all night along.

“[The Oscars] is one of the most secure events we do in the city,” Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Meghan Aguilar told Deadline“We’ll have extra officers and resources on site, including the Bomb Squad, air support, the canine unit as well as regular sweeps of the area,” she added.

The LAPD will patrol the Dolby Theater alongside the Los Angeles Fire Department, the Sheriff’s Department, Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Department of Transportation as well as other state and local authorities. Additionally, private security guards from Tinseltown’s fave Security Industry Specialists will be deployed inside the theater.

Surprisingly, with Time’s Up and Me Too movements defining the tone of this year’s Academy Awards, there haven’t been many protests reported in the area surrounding the Dolby Theater.

Variety confirms over 500 officers will be patrolling the area in case of an incident. Helicopters will also be available for use. So basically, if you live in the area, just stay home.

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On – 05 Mar, 2018 By Danielle Corcione